48 Results for:

May 28, 2004

Kristof: 15 Years Later, Tiananmen Square Remains ’Elephant’ in Chinese Politics

Nicholas D. Kristof and his wife, Sheryl Wudunn, were Beijing-based correspondents for The New York Times when, on June 3-4, 1989, Chinese authorities brutally cracked down on pro-democracy demonstra…

May 9, 2006

United States
Betts: Hayden Likely to Be Pressed in Confirmation Hearing on Wiretapping Issue

Richard K. Betts, a CFR expert on the intelligence community, says that he sees no reason that the nomination of General Michael V. Hayden to head the Central Intelligence Agency should be blocked by…

May 19, 2006

Former Top CIA Official Says Agency Can be Revived Through Leadership, Focus

A former deputy director of the CIA, Richard J. Kerr, says the agency needs a strong leader who can restore its role as the leading source of intelligence analysis. Kerr says the new head of the CIA …

January 8, 2007

Drozdiak: Merkel’s Visit Points Up ’Big Improvement’ in United States-German Relations

William Drozdiak, president of the independent American Council on Germany, says the White House meeting last week between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Bush indicates “they seem to h…

November 8, 2002

International Organizations
Iraqi Resolution Is ’Enormously Important,’ Says U.N. Expert Richard Gardner

Richard N. Gardner, an expert on the United Nations and a Columbia Law School professor, says that the U.N. Security Council resolution on Iraq, which was approved 15-0 on November 8, is “enormously …