104 Results for:

November 5, 2010

Congresses and Parliaments
Gridlock on U.S. Economic Policy

GOP election gains make it less likely Congress will enact needed deficit cuts and more fiscal stimulus, and the Fed’s quantitative easing plan could create new bubbles, says CFR Distinguished Visiti…

June 27, 2012

Europe and Eurasia
Weighing an EU Banking Union

EU approval of a new proposal for a banking and fiscal union would help reassure global financial markets and alleviate the eurozone debt crisis, says Bruegel’s Benedicta Marzinotto.

October 24, 2012

Economic Crises
The Growing Franco-German Divide

Unlike Germany, France under the leadership of François Hollande has failed to articulate a long-term vision for Europe, says the Peterson Institute’s Jacob Funk Kirkegaard.

October 23, 2006

Oberdorfer: Tet and Iraq: Parallels and Differences

Don Oberdorfer, an expert on Asian affairs who wrote a major book on the Tet offensive, Tet!, says even though support for the Iraq war is ebbing in the United States, the current mood lacks “the dom…

April 4, 2005

Steinfels: The Next Pope Should Open Vatican to More Consultation

Peter Steinfels, a prominent Catholic commentator and a former senior religion correspondent for the New York Times, says Pope John Paul II, who died April 2, will be remembered as “a giant historica…