54 Results for:

March 6, 2008

Rodriguez: Chavez Using Attack on FARC to Bolster Diminishing Popularity

Francisco R. Rodriguez, an expert on Venezuelan affairs, says the show of force by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez after the Colombian incursion into Ecuador is an attempt to bolster his declining p…

December 16, 2016

Human Rights and Duterte’s War on Drugs

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs has led to thousands of extrajudicial killings, raising human rights concerns, says expert John Gershman in this interview.

June 12, 2003

Council Expert Maxwell: Brazil’s President Surprises Friends and Foes

Kenneth R. Maxwell, the Council on Foreign Relations’ Director of Latin America Studies, says that Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s left-leaning president who is known as Lula, has surp…

December 3, 2007

Walsh: Venezuelan Vote a ‘Victory’ for Democracy

John M. Walsh of the Washington Office on Latin America says the failure of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s major reform proposals at the polls was a surprise, and represents a “heavy defeat.”

February 17, 2009

Referendum in Venezuela Hardens Chavez’s ’Authoritarian Regime’

Allan Brewer-Carias, a former Venezuelan legislator and opponent of President Hugo Chavez, says the referendum that overturned term limits on Chavez will strengthen the country’s authoritarian strain…