150 Results for:

June 11, 2013

Elections and Voting
How to Read Iran’s Elections

A conservative candidate seems likely to win Iran’s presidential election this week, but the reform movement may yet be energized by the remaining moderate contender, says CFR’s Ray Takeyh.

September 12, 2014

Pakistani Military Cool Amid Political Crisis

In staying on the sidelines, the Pakistani army may be the only party to emerge from the weeks-long political crisis unscathed, says CFR’s Daniel S. Markey.

May 23, 2013

Shifting Alliances in Iran

After the disqualification of popular former president Rafsanjani, it’s unclear which of the remaining, mostly conservative candidates will triumph in the June presidential election, says expert Fari…

December 13, 2010

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
North Korea-Iran Nuclear Cooperation

WikiLeaks’ cables on North Korea’s missile sales to Iran have raised new concerns about the country’s proliferation activities. Expert Jeffrey Lewis says Pyongyang’s procurement networks pose the big…

November 16, 2007

International Organizations
Perkovich: Pressures and Benefits Must Be Made Clearer to Iran

George Perkovich, a leading expert on Iranian nuclear issues, says the latest IAEA report only underscores the importance of increasing efforts to resolve the nuclear enrichment dispute diplomaticall…