820 Results for:

February 10, 2017

United States
The Legal Fight Over Trump’s Authority

The battle over the Trump administration’s executive order on immigration raises weighty constitutional questions involving presidential power and the judiciary’s role in national security, explains …

August 22, 2012

Gloomy Prognosis for Afghanistan

Recent "insider attacks" on U.S. forces raise concerns about the Afghan security transition in 2014 and long-term U.S. support for local troops, says CFR’s Stephen Biddle.

October 2, 2013

United States
How the Shutdown Weakens U.S. Foreign Policy

The U.S. government shutdown raises troubling questions about American predictability and feeds doubts about the ability of Congress to be a partner with the White House on foreign policy, says Richa…

June 18, 2007

Palestinian Territories
Cordesman: Gaza Isolated But Hamas Not Easily Contained

Anthony H. Cordesman, an expert on Middle East strategic issues, says Hamas’ seizure of Gaza raises broader Middle East questions about al-Qaeda and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

August 14, 2012

International Organizations
Muslim States and the Syria Question

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s meeting in Mecca will likely focus on Syria, but raises questions on the efficacy of its role in tackling major issues affecting Muslims, says CFR’s Ed Husai…