46 Results for:

August 29, 2017

United States
Why Battles Over Memory Rage On

Protests over the removal of Confederate monuments show that the U.S. Civil War’s emancipatory purpose remains contested a century and a half later.

A Louisville, Kentucky, monument to a Confederate officer vandalized in August.

April 15, 2002

The Powell Mission

An explosion, apparently set off by a suicide bomber, killed at least six people at a bus stop near Jerusalem’s outdoor market Friday in an attack that coincided with a peace mission by U.S. Secretar…

July 2, 2012

Morsi’s ’Difficult Balancing Act’ Ahead

Egypt’s newly sworn in President Mohamed Morsi will have to tackle everything from setting a rocky economy back on course to combining reform efforts with placating a powerful military, says expert D…

September 28, 2006

Tellis: Bush’s ‘Mediation’ of Karzai, Musharraf Dispute Highlights Seriousness of Problem

Ashley J. Tellis, a prominent expert on South Asian security affairs, says President Bush’s effort to mediate the differences between the presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan is unprecedented and u…

December 10, 2014

Where Is Putin Leading Russia?

President Vladimir Putin has failed to deliver a coherent response to Russia’s economic challenges while continuing to feed concerns about his intentions in Ukraine, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.