108 Results for:

February 18, 2011

Is Bahrain’s Regime Next to Fall?

Bahrain’s security forces are loyal to the Sunni regime, which means the unrest isn’t likely to lead to collapse, says expert F. Gregory Gause III. Still, the protests pose a dilemma for the United S…

February 2, 2011

Political Movements
Egypt a ’Textbook’ Foreign Policy Dilemma

Former secretary of state James A. Baker says the crucial U.S. alliance with a politically stunted Egyptian regime poses major difficulties for the Obama administration as it tries to balance U.S. va…

June 8, 2006

Bremer: Zarqawi’s Death a ’Very Important Moment’ in War on Terrorism

L. Paul Bremer, who headed the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq after Saddam’s ouster, says the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is a " very important moment" in the war on terrorism and the ef…

August 6, 2007

Saudi Arabia
Gause: U.S. Trying to Soften Saudi Hard Line toward Maliki Government

F. Gregory Gause, a leading Saudi Arabia expert, says the U.S. plan to sell some $20 billion in sophisticated military hardware to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states is part of a concerted effort in …

June 17, 2014

Can Iraq Survive the ISIS Storm?

It’s doubtful that radical Sunni militants will be able to overrun Baghdad and southern Iraq, but the crisis is likely to further splinter governing authority in the country, says expert F. Gregory G…