62 Results for:

April 14, 2009

Financial Markets
The large dollar balance sheet of Europe’s banks

Tyler Durden/ Zero Hedge’s analysis of the aggregate balance sheet of the US commercial banks attracted a lot of attention last week, for good reason (h/t Felix Salmon). American taxpayers are…

March 17, 2009

Financial Markets
"Concentrations of risk, plagued with deadly correlations"

The FT’s Gillian Tett makes a simple but important point: AIG’s role in the credit default swap market meant that a lot of risk that the bank regulators thought had been dispersed into many strong ha…

March 6, 2008

Financial Markets
1.54, 105, 1.45 — deleveraging continues …

It just seems like yesterday when the euro broke $1.50 and oil broke $100. Now the euro trades closer to $1.54 than $1.50 and oil trades closer to $105. Macroman doesn’t watch his Bloomberg screen…

February 2, 2007

Financial Markets
A trillion dollars gets my attention, whether it comes from the PBoC or the yen carry trade

Tim Lee of Pi Economics estimates that about a $1 trillion of private money is now betting that the yen will stay fairly weak.    Tim Lee, of Pi Economics, reckons as much as $1 trillion may be stake…


November 27, 2006

New York, not necessarily the world’s leading financial center

Lots of folks on Wall Street think they know why New York doesn’t dominate the IPO league tables anymore.   Sarbox.   It is undermining the “competitiveness” of US capital markets.   Or so the argume…