14 Results for:

June 18, 2015

Media Call: Mallaby and Kahn on Greece and the Eurozone

Eurozone finance ministers meet in Luxembourg to negotiate a deal between Greece and its creditors before its International Monetary Fund debt repayment deadline at the end of June. Greece's membersh…


October 18, 2016

United Kingdom
Fall of the British Pound

Robert Kahn and Sebastian Mallaby discuss the recent decline in value of the British pound, the tie-in to Brexit, and the wider economic implications.


July 14, 2015

Media Call: Greek Bailout Agreement

Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow Robert Kahn breaks down the deal and explains what it means for the future of Greece and the European Union. Greece reached an agreement with European credi…


September 17, 2019

Global Trade and the U.S. Economy

Jennifer A. Hillman discusses ongoing global trade negotiations and their implications for the U.S. economy, as part of CFR’s State and Local Conference Call series.


April 16, 2020

COVID-19 and Trade

In this call, Jennifer Hillman, senior fellow for trade and international political economy at CFR, discusses how international trade policies are affecting communities within the United States durin…
