42 Results for:

August 1, 2024

Australia’s Growing Defense and Security Role in the Indo-Pacific

Australia’s first comprehensive national defense strategy comes as Chinese coercion around Taiwan and in the South China Sea sparks heightened concerns about Beijing’s intentions and ambitions in the…

April 17, 2024

Can Egypt’s Economic Overhaul Stave Off Crisis?

International lenders have pumped tens of billions of dollars into Egypt’s faltering economy amid the war in the Gaza Strip, but experts say the country’s economic crisis is not yet resolved.

October 23, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Israel’s Ground War Against Hamas: What to Know

A major ground campaign in the Gaza Strip will display Israel’s overwhelming military force, but the country faces a steep challenge in its goal of eradicating Hamas, as well as in finding a workable…

Israeli soldiers patrol an area near Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip.

October 9, 2023

Israel’s War on Hamas: What to Know

Israel will seek to eliminate the threat posed by the Palestinian militant group for good, but its campaign in Gaza could draw in other adversaries, including Hezbollah and al-Qaeda. 

Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip.

July 24, 2023

How Frozen Russian Assets Could Pay for Rebuilding in Ukraine

Will Ukraine’s international backers use billions of dollars in seized Russian assets to support rebuilding the war-ravaged country?

A rescuer wipes their face while working in a residential building heavily damaged by a Russian missile strike, in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

November 4, 2022

Do U.S. Sanctions on Venezuela Work?

Given Venezuela’s urgent humanitarian needs and the global energy crunch, Washington is considering easing sanctions on Caracas in exchange for democratic reforms.

September 28, 2021

Afghanistan War
Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam: How the U.S. Has Resettled Its Wartime Allies

The United States has granted tens of thousands of special visas to Afghans who aided U.S. forces, but many others are still waiting. How does this compare with previous efforts?