30 Results for:

October 6, 2011

HBO History Makers Series with Stanley A. McChrystal

Stanley A. McChrystal, former commander of the United States and International Security Assistance Forces Afghanistan and Joint Special Operations Command's premier military counterterrorism force, d…


October 6, 2011

HBO History Makers Series with Stanley McChrystal

The Home Box Office History Makers Series focuses particular attention on the contributions made by a prominent individual at a critical juncture in international relations. Recent speakers in the se…


October 21, 2011

Defense and Security
A Conversation with Carl M. Levin

Senator Carl M. Levin discusses the challenges facing the United States in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as a range of other national security concerns.


October 21, 2011

Defense and Security
A Conversation with Carl M. Levin

Please join Carl M. Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, to discuss ongoing challenges for the United States in Afghanistan and Pakistan.


November 4, 2011

Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan

Michèle Flournoy, under secretary of defense for policy at the U.S. Department of Defense, discusses America's strategy in Afghanistan.
