22 Results for:

December 16, 2010

United States
Weighing an Ambitious QDDR

Four CFR fellows weigh in on the effectiveness of the State Department’s Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review recommendations.

June 3, 2011

United States
U.S. Innovation and Economic Recovery

Rising unemployment and the threat of a Moody’s downgrade have highlighted the lagging economic recovery. While innovation is key to increasing U.S. global competitiveness, economists are divided ove…

June 8, 2011

The Targeted Killings Debate

U.S. drone strikes and "kill/capture" missions against al-Qaeda operatives, particularly in Pakistan and Yemen, have gained new attention and notoriety this spring. Four experts debate the legality a…

November 29, 2005

What Should Be The U.S. Exit Strategy From Iraq?

It is the question of the moment in Washington: How and when should the United States begin drawing down its forces in Iraq and turning over more responsibility for that nation’s security to local fo…

September 24, 2009

Resourcing an Afghan Strategy

U.S. military leaders are calling for more troops to carry out U.S. counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan. Six analysts offer views on how President Barack Obama should respond.