6 Results for:

August 9, 2012

Zimbabwe: An Opportunity for Closer U.S.-South Africa Relations

As Zimbabwe moves closer to elections, the prospect for political violence, even civil war, grows. President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Prime Minist…

Zimbabwe_lrg header

April 9, 2012

Beyond the Volcker Rule: A Better Approach to Financial Reform

The Issue An approach to bank regulatory reform that restricts the scope and incentives for bank balance-sheet expansion funded by short-term debt is essential to preventing another major financia…

Beyond the Volcker Rule header

January 14, 2020

World Trade Organization (WTO)
A Reset of the World Trade Organization's Appellate Body

The Trump administration has destroyed the World Trade Organization’s Appellate Body, much to the dismay of those needing the certainty of a rules-based trading system. Three reforms could get it bac…

The WTO sign on a building against a stormy sky