74 Results for:

January 21, 2011

Heads of State and Government
Fifty Years On, What JFK Did, and Didn’t, Achieve

Fifty years after JFK’s inaugural, presidential historian Robert Dallek observes that Kennedy remains the most popular American president even though his days in office didn’t yield many domestic suc…

December 1, 2003

North Korea
Neocon Calls Bush’s Policy Toward North Korea ’Confused’

The Daily Yomiuri: How would you define neoconservativism?Boot: I’d have to put it in the context of the three main schools of American foreign policy. One is the realpolitik school, which holds that…

June 24, 2010

United States
Russia’s Courtship of Silicon Valley

CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich says Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s meetings in Silicon Valley represent the most interesting development of his U.S. trip, which culminates with a Washington summit wh…

March 10, 2010

Palestinian Territories
A Rocky Path Forward in the Mideast

An Israeli announcement of more housing construction in East Jerusalem became the focus of Vice President Biden’s Middle East trip, but CFR’s Jacob Walles thinks the "proximity talks" starting next w…

November 12, 2013

Despite Hitch, Iran Nuclear Deal in Sight

An interim nuclear accord between Iran and world powers is still within reach despite lingering disagreements over details, says expert Barbara Slavin.