498 Results for:

December 11, 2004

United States
The Global Test

My harping on the fact that US economic policy now has to pass a global test is not simply meant to score rhetorical points. I suspect that the same folks who financed the expansion of the US curren…

March 4, 2005

Emerging Markets
A few lessons for Mary Anastasia O Grady

I do not expect to consistently agree with the oped page of the Wall Street Journal. But I do not think it is too much to ask that the columnists on oped page of the Journal try to square their argu…

March 22, 2005

What did I miss?

Let’s see.Paul Wolfowitz looks set to take over the World Bank. Oil is a bit over $56. That is not low, by any measure. I remember how much concern there was last summer when oil broke $40.The cur…

May 27, 2005

United States
Bretton Woods Two and Trade Politics

The interest rate on the 10 year Treasury note is somewhere between 4.0-4.1% -- and the US seems to be having no trouble financing its current account (or its budget) deficit right now. The risk of…

August 1, 2005

Can China add close to $300 b to its reserves a year and have no impact on the bond market?

Rarely do I disagree with the premise of an article more than with the Mark Whitehouse  Friday C1  Wall Street Journal article "China's Move Makes No Waves in Bond Market." Premise.  China moved.  It…