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August 1, 2005

Capital Flows
The real issue, of course, is who comes after Abdullah.

King Fahd has not been running the world's largest family owned petrol station for some time now. And right now, the Saudi royal family does more than run the  central bank of oil.  Saudi oil is onc…

August 25, 2005

Capital Flows
Peter Galbraith and Iraq

I think the folks over at TPM Café are right: David Brooks' latest New York Times column is a real flip-flop.  He has gone from celebrating the United States firm commitment to universal democratic p…

October 10, 2005

Emerging Markets
Pakistani earthquake

The potential loss of life from the earthquake in Northern Pakistan is stunning -- a reminder of how precarious life is for many in one of the world's nuclear states.  Not to mention a state where Os…

April 10, 2006

China worries the US may want a “competitive” dollar

Xia Bin, head of the financial research institute at the cabinet's Development Research Centre, didn't use Martin Feldstein's clever term though.  He worries about a weak dollar policy."We cannot und…

May 2, 2006

Financial Markets
And the money keeps rolling in …

To Russia. In 1998, Russia was very short on cash.  It went to the IMF and got a $15 billion credit line.  When it didn’t hold up its end of the bargain – taking steps to collect a bit of revenue – t…