18 Results for:

August 1, 2007

Sub-Saharan Africa
Beyond Humanitarianism

Overview Africa is moving center stage in world politics, but not just for humanitarian reasons. Currently, 15 percent of U.S. oil imports come from Africa—as much as from the Middle East—and t…

June 1, 2000

Political History and Theory
Honey and Vinegar

Buttressed by input from scholars, diplomats, and observers with an intimate knowledge of U.S. foreign policy, Honey and Vinegar examines "engagement"—strategies that primarily involve the use of pos…

November 30, 2004

The Democracy Advantage

Read an excerpt of The Democracy Advantage. For decades, policies pursued by the United States and other industrialized nations toward the developing world have been based on a secret kept among p…

May 15, 2009

War of Necessity, War of Choice

Richard N. Haass contrasts the decisions that shaped the conduct of two wars between the United States and Iraq, and writes an authoritative, personal account of how U.S. foreign policy is made, what it should seek, and how it should be pursued.