362 Results for:

April 12, 2023

Oil and Petroleum Products
Academic Webinar: The Geopolitics of Oil

Carolyn Kissane, academic director and clinical professor at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University, leads the conversation on the geopolitics of oil.   FASKIANOS: Thank you. Welc…

Play Oil refinery in Saudi Arabia.

March 13, 2023

Food and Water Security
Lessons Learned With Margaret (Peggy) Hamburg

Peggy Hamburg discusses her distinguished career as an internationally recognized leader in science, medicine, and public health. Hamburg served as the twenty-first commissioner of the U.S. Food and …

Play Close up of Margaret Hamburg

February 2, 2023

Religion and Foreign Policy Webinar: Lula's Presidency and the Future of Brazil

Nick Zimmerman, senior advisor at WestExec Advisors and global fellow at the Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute, and Amy Erica Smith, liberal arts and sciences dean’s professor and associate professor …

Play Lula's Presidency and the Future of Brazil

October 31, 2022

Politics and Government
Renewing America Series: The 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections

Please join our panelists as they discuss the upcoming U.S. midterm elections, the ramifications for future legislation, and what the results might portend for the future of politics and polarization…

Play Midterm Elections Rally

July 19, 2022

Social Issues
Addressing Gun Violence at Home and Abroad

Rev. Ciera Bates Chamberlain, executive director of Live Free Chicago-Live Free Illinois, and Ali H. Mokdad, chief strategy officer of population health at the University of Washington, discuss gun v…

Play Addressing Gun Violence at Home and Abroad