22 Results for:

November 15, 2021

Climate Change
What COP26 Did and Didn’t Accomplish

Countries made notable commitments in the Glasgow Climate Pact, but they still fell short of the action needed to keep global warming within manageable levels.

July 9, 2019

Is China Undermining Human Rights at the United Nations?

Under President Xi Jinping, China is pressing the United Nations’ human rights body to favor national sovereignty and development over calling out domestic rights abuses.

September 20, 2019

Climate Change
UN Climate Summit: What to Know

Plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions and reach carbon neutrality, to be announced during the 2019 summit, could be an important milestone in the global fight against climate change.

November 10, 2021

Energy and Environment
COP26: Can the World Slash Coal Use by 2030?

During COP26, some countries pledged to stop using coal, a leading source of greenhouse gas emissions. But China, India, and some others remain reliant on coal.

April 24, 2020

Will the Coronavirus Endanger Foreign Aid?

As the coronavirus pandemic increases the need for aid around the world, donors are facing tough choices over whether to continue helping vulnerable populations abroad or focus their attention at hom…