11 Results for:

November 19, 2019

The Future of Kashmir

Panelists discuss recent political and military developments in Jammu and Kashmir, India’s domestic politics and democratic future, and U.S. policies in the region. ASTILL: Well, hello, everybody…

Play Kashmir

May 30, 2024

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
Climate Change and Public Health Policy

David Fidler, senior fellow for global health and cybersecurity at CFR, discusses the factors shaping U.S. health and climate policy included in his Council Special Report, A New U.S. Foreign Policy …

Play Haze and smoke from Canadian wildfires shroud skies over Washington

March 8, 2018

Our Time Has Come

Teaching Notes for Our Time Has Come, written by CFR Senior Fellow Alyssa Ayres on how India is taking its place as a leading power.

Alyssa Ayres Our Time Has Come

November 20, 2014

The ITU: Building Connectivity and Cooperation in Internet Governance

Andrea Glorioso, Jeferson Nacif, and Eric Osiakwan join Aparna Sridhar, counsel at Google, Inc., to discuss internet governance issues and the role of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).


November 20, 2014

The ITU: Building Connectivity and Cooperation in Internet Governance

Andrea Glorioso, European Union information and communications technologies attaché to the United States, Jeferson Nacif, head of international affairs at the Brazilian Agency of Telecommunications, …


August 18, 2020

Conflict Prevention
Peace, Conflict, and COVID-19

The Center for Preventive Action has created this resource for those seeking information and analysis about the effects of COVID-19 on peace and conflict.

Three men wearing protective clothing and masks--two of whom have guns--stand guard in front of cars parked in the middle of a debris-ridden street during a twenty-four hour curfew in Sanaa, Yemen, on May 6, 2020.