22 Results for:

April 17, 2008

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Nonproliferation Trip Report

Overview Bruce Riedel traveled to India in February to meet with business leaders, government officials, and members of the media. Riedel notes that much of the conversations revolved around Iran'…

July 28, 2000

A New Beginning

Overview President George W. Bush should challenge his Japanese counterpart to launch a joint initiative to create a U.S.-Japan “open marketplace”--free of tariffs, with minimal regulatory impedim…


November 4, 2021

Major Power Rivalry and the Management of Global Threats

The United States should regard distrust, not cooperation, as a baseline condition for starting negotiations around shared global threats and challenges with other major powers, such as China and Russia.

November 1, 2001

Democratizing U.S. Trade Policy

Public opinion polls consistently demonstrate that, although the American public supports freer trade in theory, it often has profound reservations about trade liberalization in practice. This hesita…


March 1, 1998

Future Visions for U.S. Trade Policy

Overview With fast-track trade authority sidetracked, at least for now, experts believe it is time to take a hard look at the alternatives in order to sustain momentum for increasing world trade. …
