10 Results for:

May 31, 2004

Sub-Saharan Africa
Freedom, Prosperity, and Security

Overview Africa, mired in poverty, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and armed conflict, has rightfully occupied a prominent place in the G8’s agenda over the past several years. This report, written in a…

April 21, 2009

Oceans and Seas
The National Interest and the Law of the Sea

Overview The oceans have long been a critical arena for international relations. Before there was air travel and instantaneous communication, people, goods, and ideas traveled the world by ship. F…

November 19, 2018

Zero Botnets

Botnets—groups of computers infected with malicious software often used for crime—cost the economy billions of dollars each year. Technology makers, ISPs, cybersecurity companies, and law enforcement need to work together across the globe to fight botnets.

June 20, 2014

Defense Technology
Limiting Armed Drone Proliferation

Overview The Obama administration should pursue a strategy that places clear limits on its own sale and use of armed drones lest these weapons proliferate and their use becomes widespread. These a…

April 21, 2010

International Law
From Rome to Kampala

Overview The United States has long been a leading force behind international efforts to bring the perpetrators of atrocities to justice. It spearheaded the prosecution of German and Japanese offi…