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November 7, 2004

Financial Markets
Russia and India sour on the dollar?

Reports that Russia and India are selling dollars, as in this FT story, are interesting, even leaving aside the rumors about China. Unless China uses the move to basket to revalue significantly agai…

November 8, 2004

Pepsi is no longer red, white and blue

Buried deep within the Scott Kilman’s Monday WSJ article on rising food imports is the following gem:"Much of the Pepsi-Cola sold in the US is made from concentrate imported from places such as Irela…

November 11, 2004

Korea blinks, rejoins the dollar block

Or so the FT reports. The Bank of Korea seems to have concluded the Korean won was strong enough and bought dollars/ sold won to limit the won’s appreciation. And the Bank of Korea may not have bee…

November 11, 2004


That alone ought to catch your attention. Whether talking about the US (needs Chinese financing), Latin America (needs Chinese demand for its commodities) or Europe (needs China to lets its exchange…

November 13, 2004

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Will partial privatization of social security pass the global test?

This post is primarily about the implications of partial privatization of social security on the budget, not about its overall merits. For what it is worth, I personally think good old pay-as-you-go …