44 Results for:

February 19, 2014

Countering Terrorism: An Institution-Building Approach for Yemen

Benn Steil and Dinah Walker argue that the ECB's bank stress tests will roil rather than calm markets if recapitalization funds are not set aside in advance, as they were in the case of the highly successful U.S. tests in 2009.

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November 17, 2014

Islamic State
Defeating ISIS

Max Boot details a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS by committing to the fight on multiple fronts: intensify air strikes, utilize U.S. personnel and capabilities, encourage local and regional partners, and prepare for nation-building.

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April 9, 2015

Why the United States Should Work With India to Stabilize Afghanistan

The international military presence in Afghanistan has shrunk dramatically, and even with a slower pace of troop withdrawal, the country's security situation has already worsened. Iraq's chaos provid…


March 14, 2013

Monetary Policy
Exiting from Monetary Stimulus: A Better Plan for the Fed

The U.S. Federal Reserve's monetary stimulus efforts have an undesirable side effect that needs to be managed with great care: the Fed has amassed a huge stock of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) tha…

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February 24, 2014

Europe and Eurasia
Restoring Financial Stability in the Eurozone: Lessons From the U.S. Financial Crisis

The European Stability Mechanism's (ESM) bank recapitalization instrument was designed to break the vicious circle tying financially weak eurozone governments to financially weak banks. It cannot, ho…

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