1,541 Results for:

June 20, 2005

United States
Setser and Roubini respond to Levey and Brown: deficits do matter

The current issue of Foreign Affairs contains the rebuttal that Nouriel and I wrote to the David Levey and Stuart Brown’s "Current account deficits do not matter" article that appeared in the March/…

July 19, 2005

Calculated Risk might want to start looking at the Netherlands

Calculated Risk has long argued that those wanting to peer into crystal ball and see the future of the US economy should look at Britain -- since Britain’s housing boom started before the US boom, an…

October 14, 2005

Financial Markets
Are tax breaks for houses at risk?

Last weekend's Los Angeles Times (via the Economist's View) article on Bush's advisory commission made it pretty clear that at least one member of the commission, Charles Rossotti, had  tax breaks fo…

February 5, 2006

United States
Is national income accounting biased against the US?

In a fake news classic, Rob Corddry and Jon Stewart of the Daily Show once pondered how to report "the facts" when "the facts themselves were biased."  Michael Mandel seems to think the facts are bia…

March 2, 2006

United States
It is official: the current account deficit doesn’t stem from a boom in investment in intangible assets

OK, maybe not official.  But the Economist, drawing on the work of Carol Corrado, Dan Sichel and Charles Hulten, has the key chart.  Check it out. Investment - including investment in intangible asse…