72 Results for:

March 8, 2013

Congresses and Parliaments
The Sequester: Three Things to Know

Short Description: The automatic cuts in U.S. federal government spending, known as the "sequester," will negatively impact the U.S. economy in the short run and will not solve the long-term challeng…

November 22, 2013

United States
Sequestration and Defense Spending: Three Things to Know

It’s time for Washington to move past the denial stage of budget sequestration and have a healthy discussion on defense spending, says CFR’s Carla Anne Robbins.

January 31, 2020

Election 2020
What’s the Purpose of Foreign Aid?

Many Americans question whether the $50 billion the United States spends annually on foreign aid is worth it. CFR breaks down how much of the U.S. budget goes toward foreign assistance and how this m…


July 13, 2022

United States
How U.S. Gun Policies Compare With the World’s

The debate over gun laws has raged in Washington for decades, often reigniting after high-profile mass shootings. In mid-2022, Congress passed a rare, compromise gun control bill, but critics say it …


December 6, 2011

Overcoming USAID’s Challenges

USAID Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg discusses the challenges facing the organization in an environment of constrained budgets.