940 Results for:

May 24, 2024

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Panelists review the humanitarian situation in Gaza and discuss U.S. policy options to address the crisis.  

Play Palestinian boy sleeps on a mattress inside the remains of his family's house in Gaza.

May 14, 2024

On to Wisconsin: RealEcon Visits the Badger State

From ginseng farms to food-processing facilities, Wisconsin businesses shine light on how trade policy and foreign investment impact rural America.

Darin Von Ruden, the owner of the Von Ruden's Organic Dairy Farm walks on his farm in Westby, Wisconsin, on October 3, 2020. - In western Wisconsin, where family-run dairy farms dot the rolling green hills and eagle-watchers peer into the sparkling marshland, signs for Donald Trump and Joe Biden stand directly across each other on neighbors' yards. In a polarized United States where Democrats and Republicans increasingly self-segregate, this stretch of the Upper Midwest alongside the Mississippi River looks

September 29, 2011

2012-2013 International Affairs Fellowship (IAF) in Japan and South Korea: Seeking Applicants

Are you interested in spending time and working on research in Tokyo, Japan or Seoul, South Korea? Do you have an interest in U.S.-Japan or U.S.-South Korea relations? Do you know someone who is? If …

May 2, 2024

United States
How U.S. Water Infrastructure Works

The sprawling U.S. water system is central to the nation’s economy, but chronic underinvestment, increasing demand, and the consequences of climate change have revealed the system’s weaknesses.  

A deep blue river flows between rust-colored mesas.