699 Results for:

December 29, 2004

If you cannot beat em, join em

Daniel Gross’s article on the currency preferences of the world’s underworld is too good not to link to. It seems like the world’s drug lords are less willing than the People’s Bank of China to fina…

June 19, 2005

Two articles on China. One good. One not so good.

Reuters has done a nice wrap up of what we know -- and more importantly what we don’t know -- about how China manages its reserves. They correctly note that the TIC data misses so much that it, alon…

August 23, 2005

Financial Markets
How to turn $120 million into $4,180 million in less than ten years

PetroKazakhstan is not quite Unocal.  But it is nothing to sneer at either.  To no one's surprise, CNOOC's failed bid for Unocal did not end Chinese oil firms' interest in foreign acquisitions .   In…

October 24, 2005


The new Greenspan.   So says Reuters. Like Daniel Gross, I was betting on Hubbard.   And I certainly would not be surprised if he ends up as the next Treasury Secretary. Expect lots of talk abo…

December 4, 2005

What is the matter with Kansas?

After seeing this graph over at Calculated Risk, I could not resist.   It seems my home state has the least housing froth around ...Maybe it has something to do with the fact that a (very young) Univ…