635 Results for:

November 6, 2004

Politics and Government
Bush considering to a tax hike for most Americans?

Isn’t that what a revenue neutral flat tax or a national sales tax implies, particularly one that exempts investment income from any taxation? (as Cheney reportedly is pushing). In all honesty, it …

December 19, 2004

The Teutonic Monetary Policy Tradition

My recent travels took me to old Europe -- and reminded me that the rest of the world is, in many ways, still unprepared for changes set to hit the world economy -- a world economy where the US trade…

December 29, 2004

United States
Look who is supporting the mortgage market …

No Surprise: the People’s Bank of China. The PBOC has shifted from buying treasuries (03) to buying mortgage backed securities (04).From Reuters: "Make no bones about it, mortgages really went globa…

July 30, 2005

United States
Since the US government is unwilling to take any action, the US current account deficit cannot be a problem.

The IMF just published its annual report on the US economy. The report was in some ways remarkably frank.    And it outlined the core policy choice the US government has made, namely, not to do anyth…

August 26, 2005

Monetary Policy
Preparing for shifts in the balance of financial power?

It seems like some in Asia are a bit worried that so much of the world's wealth is denominated in the currency of the world's largest debtor.  Cynic's Delight highlights their concerns well in a rece…