32 Results for:

June 23, 2015

Washington’s Egypt Dilemma

Two years since the Egyptian military deposed President Mohammed Morsi, human rights abuses are being committed at an unprecedented level, but the United States remains deeply invested in maintaining…

December 8, 2014

Is the U.S.-Egypt Special Relationship Over?

The United States and Egypt are unlikely to rebuild the strategic partnership they had decades ago, even though some in both countries favor a rapprochement, says CFR’s Steven Cook. 

August 20, 2013

How to Influence a Polarized Egypt

Growing splits between Islamists and secularists in Egypt augur a sustained period of confrontation and unrest, says expert Jon B. Alterman.

January 10, 2012

Egypt’s Revolution a Year Later

With Islamists apparently gaining the most seats in Egypt’s parliament, CFR’s Steven Cook spells out challenges in the transition process, including the writing of a new constitution.

December 8, 2011

Islamists and Egypt’s Future

The Islamists’ lead in parliamentary polls has aroused some concerns over Egypt’s democratic future. But the real threat, says CFR’s Ed Husain, comes from those secular elites who prefer the former a…