186 Results for:

August 3, 2004

United States
Cordesman: 9/11 Commission Report Lacks Specifics

Anthony H. Cordesman, a leading expert on intelligence, says President Bush wisely declined to embrace all of the 9/11 Commission’s proposals for intelligence reform. Bush’s call for a new director o…

April 3, 2009

Economic Crises
G-20 Summit Deal is Potential ’Turning Point’

CFR’s Sebastian Mallaby says the G-20 summit could mark the beginnings of a profound shift in global financial regulation. But he says challenges lurk in the way the IMF is funded and how it monitors…

June 12, 2003

Council Expert Maxwell: Brazil’s President Surprises Friends and Foes

Kenneth R. Maxwell, the Council on Foreign Relations’ Director of Latin America Studies, says that Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s left-leaning president who is known as Lula, has surp…

March 27, 2006

United States
Sweig: Reversing Anti-American Sentiment Requires New U.S. Engagement on Global Problems

Julia Sweig, Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow for Latin American Studies, is author of a new book on what she calls "the Anti-American Century." She says there are many ways the United Stat…

September 11, 2007

Haass: Petraeus, Crocker Blunt Congressional Criticism on Iraq

Richard N. Haass, CFR president and an expert on the Middle East, says the congressional testimony by the top two U.S. officials in Iraq has to a large extent “regained control of the Iraq debate” fo…