30 Results for:

November 10, 2009

China’s Role in the "New Era of Engagement"

China has benefited enormously from Western-dominated global structures, writes CFR’s Stewart Patrick, and Washington now expects it to contribute more significantly to world order.

May 15, 2012

Security Alliances
NATO’s Chicago Agenda

The upcoming NATO summit will include talks on the endgame in Afghanistan, a new smart defense doctrine, and bolstering global partnerships, all of it colored by fundamental questions about the role …

May 12, 2016

Behind China’s Gambit in Pakistan

China’s flagship investment project in Pakistan could provide a much needed economic spark, but significant security and political challenges loom.

March 26, 2013

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Probing for Chemical Attacks in Syria

The success of a UN investigation into an alleged chemical weapons attack in Aleppo province last week will depend on a number of factors and could prove inconclusive, says CFR’s Gregory Koblentz.

February 23, 2017

Better a Stalemate Than Defeat in Afghanistan

Without a major surge in force levels, the best outcome that the United States can hope for in Afghanistan is that the Taliban will tire of fighting and pursue peace, writes CFR’s Max Boot.