27 Results for:

November 20, 2006

Lantos Says No ‘Silver Bullet’ on Iraq But Baker Panel Can Help Bipartisanship

The presumptive chair of the House International Relations Committee expects no "silver bullets" to emerge from the Baker commission’s report on Iraq. But Rep. Tom Lantos hopes the forthcoming report…

March 22, 2012

Humanitarian Intervention
The Great Syrian Divide

The government of the brittle, one-party state remains dug in against a determined but fractured opposition. Expert Joshua Landis discusses the fault lines in the Syria uprising.

May 4, 2011

Bin Laden’s Death and U.S. Afghan Policy

While U.S. military efforts in Afghanistan won’t be directly affected, bin Laden’s death could result in an expedited draw-down schedule, leaving the country open to a Taliban takeover and leading to…

September 11, 2006

Latell: A Post-Fidel Cuba Likely to Experiment with Economic Reforms

Brian Latell, who for many years was the CIA’s top Cuban and Latin American analyst, says if Fidel Castro is unable to recover from his ailments his successors are likely to be more willing to experi…

April 9, 2004

Chalabi Says Ayatollah Sistani Is the Key To Stopping the Surge of Violence in Iraq

Ahmad Chalabi, head of the U.S.-backed Iraqi National Congress and a member of the Iraqi Governing Council, says the council is working behind the scenes to stop the recent clashes between insurgents…