10 Results for:

May 13, 2021

United Kingdom
What’s Next for Scotland’s Independence Movement?

The victory of pro-independence parties in Scotland’s elections means that another referendum is on the agenda. What’s at stake, and what comes next?

August 5, 2021

Climate Change
Why NOAA Matters for U.S. Climate Policy

The federal agency tasked with weather forecasting and research has played a growing role in climate policy, but also faced controversy during the Trump administration. What does NOAA do?

August 12, 2021

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
How Has the Terrorism Threat Changed Twenty Years After 9/11?

The U.S. counterterrorism response to the September 11, 2001, attacks yielded some remarkable successes and disastrous failures in hunting al-Qaeda. The top terrorist threat today, though, is domesti…

New York Police Department police officers stand guard near the New York Stock Exchange.

May 28, 2020

Treaties and Agreements
Open Skies: Another Dying Arms Control Agreement?

A pending U.S. withdrawal from the Treaty on Open Skies has alarmed some allies in Europe, who fear losing a valuable means of monitoring Russia.

January 21, 2021

Transition 2021
Biden’s First Foreign Policy Move: Reentering International Agreements

Biden has moved to rejoin the Paris Agreement and the World Health Organization. They likely won’t be the last international agreements and institutions that the United States reenters.