1,128 Results for:

November 22, 2005

Venezuela and the Rise of Chavez: A Background Discussion Paper

This publication is now archived. PART 1: Origins of Chavez’s RuleThis section will look at the biography of Hugo Chavez and assess the factors that brought him into Venezuelan politics and led to th…

December 4, 2009

Energy and Climate Policy
Copenhagen’s Many Agendas

The UN conference on climate change that begins December 7 in Copenhagen is supposed to produce new targets for emissions reductions, but experts say major countries are at odds on the ultimate goal …

September 13, 2005

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
IRAQ: Status of Iraq’s insurgency

This publication is now archived. What is the status of Iraq’s insurgency? Despite some political progress, Iraq’s insurgency shows few signs of waning, experts say. The most recent attack—a series o…

October 26, 2006

Wars and Conflict
Modern Military Force Structures

Classic military unit groupings differ greatly in their specialization and size, and from country to country. Here is a basic look at how modern ground, naval, and air units break down in terms of si…

January 27, 2005

IRAQ: Training Iraqi Forces

This publication is now archived. How many Iraqi troops are fully trained?Some 40,000 Iraqi security force members “can go anywhere in the country and take on almost any threat,” General Richard B. M…