18 Results for:

May 1, 2017

Venezuela’s Chavez Era

Hugo Chávez assumed Venezuela's presidency in 1999 on a populist platform. But critics say three terms under his "socialist revolution" have made the country increasingly resemble an authoritarian st…

April 26, 2021

Courts and Tribunals
Leaders Facing Justice

Since 1945, many regime leaders and key figures have been brought before domestic and international courts to answer to charges including genocide and crimes against humanity, amid a larger struggle …

March 31, 2022

Al-Shabaab in East Africa

The Somalia-based Islamist insurgent group al-Shabaab has proved resilient, committing brazen terrorist attacks at home and abroad despite strategic setbacks in recent years.

June 14, 2022

Energy and Environment
Oil Dependence and U.S. Foreign Policy

The United States' dependence on oil has long influenced its foreign policy. This timeline traces the story of U.S. oil development.