373 Results for:

February 16, 2012

United States
Defense Spending, Special Operations, and Secrecy

After the release of the Pentagon’s core budget request of $525 billion for fiscal year 2013, pundits are picking the winners and losers. While the defense budget has increased by 45 percent from $36…

Admiral McRaven

October 28, 2022

United Kingdom
The Prime Minister’s Inbox: The United Kingdom and the Challenges Ahead

Following the resignation of Liz Truss and selection of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, panelists discuss the economic and political challenges facing the United Kingdom (UK), including calls for a gener…

Play Rishi Sunak leaves 10 Downing St

February 14, 2014

You Might Have Missed: Israeli Drones, Benghazi, and the NSA

Jim Garamone, “Special Ops Forces in Transition, Pentagon Official Says,” U.S. Department of Defense, February 12, 2014. Network threats present new challenges and require new ways of planning, the …

Israeli Heron I (old)

November 7, 2023

Central Africa
CFR Book Launch Series: "The Lumumba Plot" by Stuart Reid

Foreign Affairs Executive Editor Stuart Reid discusses his new book, The Lumumba Plot, which follows the dramatic history of the Congo in 1960 on the edge of its independence from Belgium, the ensuin…

Play Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo from June to September of 1960.

February 17, 2012

United States
You Might Have Missed: Al-Qaeda, Post-Qaddafi Libya, and the Interrupters

“The Nutrition Puzzle: Why Do So Many People in Poor Countries Eat So Badly—And What Can Be Done About It?” The Economist, February 18, 2012. Even where there is enough food, people do not seem…

Libya aftermath