63 Results for:

August 17, 2022

Climate Change
What the Historic U.S. Climate Bill Gets Right and Gets Wrong

The Inflation Reduction Act promises the largest investment in climate action in U.S. history—$370 billion—and could lead to significant emissions reductions over the next decade.  

December 22, 2021

What Is the Defense Production Act?

Presidents Trump and Biden have turned to the Defense Production Act to procure critical medical supplies during the coronavirus pandemic. What does the law do?

May 10, 2021

By How Much Are Countries Underreporting COVID-19 Cases and Deaths?

As COVID-19 continues to ravage countries including Brazil and India, scientists warn that cases and deaths are being undercounted. Without accurate tallies, government responses won’t be enough to d…

February 9, 2021

U.S. Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan: What Are Biden’s Options?

U.S. troops are supposed to leave by May 1, according to a U.S.-Taliban agreement. But a complete withdrawal could be disastrous.

December 30, 2020

What’s Behind the Recent Student Abductions in Nigeria?

Abductions of hundreds of students in northwestern Nigeria are the latest examples of a common tactic among criminal and jihadi groups, underscoring that Boko Haram is far from the government’s only …

December 18, 2020

Energy and Climate Policy
What’s Next for Fracking Under Biden?

President-Elect Joe Biden has walked a fine line on fracking, seeking to allow the practice while proposing restrictions to limit its greenhouse gas emissions. How have other countries approached fra…