61 Results for:

October 23, 2018

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
NATO’s Trident Juncture Exercises: What to Know

The military exercises in and around Norway are a significant test of NATO’s collective defenses at a time of rising geopolitical tensions.

NATO Trident Juncture Pic

November 29, 2018

Trump and Putin at the G20: No More Smiles

The United States and Russia are at odds on so many issues that the upcoming summit could convince their two presidents to give up on better relations and accept estrangement.

Trump Putin

July 18, 2019

United States
Who Counts in the 2020 U.S. Census?

If the Trump administration succeeds in securing citizenship data, the 2020 census could transform the way in which political power is distributed in the United States.

March 24, 2020

What a Global Health Survey Found Months Before the Coronavirus Pandemic

A group of international health experts found in 2019 that the world wasn’t ready for a pandemic. This year’s coronavirus outbreak has shown they were right.

June 16, 2020

Sub-Saharan Africa
Why African Nations Support U.S. Anti-Racism Protesters

The U.S. protests following the police killing of George Floyd have spurred solidarity among many Africans, who have expressed widespread outrage against police brutality.