40 Results for:

September 28, 2022

Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Exception

The U.S.-Saudi relationship is fraught with complications. Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserves in the world, giving it influence over what Americans pay at the gas pump. At the same time, the k…

Podcast MBS and Biden

September 15, 2022

Climate Change
Trouble Brewing for Coffee

Beware, coffee lovers: climate change could disrupt your precious morning cup of joe. Coffee beans could lose half of their farmable land by 2050 as temperatures and weather patterns become more extr…

Podcast Cup of coffee

April 27, 2022

Update on Ukraine, With Richard Haass

In this special episode, Why It Matters follows up with CFR President Richard Haass to hear his insights on the war in Ukraine.

Podcast A view shows a theatre building destroyed in the course of Ukraine-Russia conflict in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine

September 1, 2021

Spying 101

The glamour and thrill of espionage, brought to life on screen by characters such as James Bond, have long captivated imaginations. But this profession is deeply misunderstood, and it is always chang…

Podcast Eye of a person seen through darkness and shadows

February 26, 2020

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
The One Where We Talk About NATO at a Party

You’re making the rounds at a party when someone asks you about NATO. Is it still important? The alliance is credited with preventing a third world war, but a lot of us don’t know what it is or how i…

Podcast NATO leaders meet at summit in Britain around a table.