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August 11, 2005

China’s economy in 2005 is not what it was in 2000

China always has depended on export-led growth.   It is a core reason why China has been so successful.  China is just trying to hold on to the core of its success in the face of political pressure f…

Exports to GDP

October 16, 2005

Is Tim Adams a closet Democrat? And some other musings on Snow’s trip to China

Clearly not, given his role in the Bush/ Cheney 2004 campaign. But he also seems to think China should develop a social insurance system to help spur domestic consumption.   Read Friday's Wall Street…

October 24, 2005

No one forced China to import US monetary policy: Commentary on yesterday’s China commentary

Andrew Browne did something somewhat unusual in Monday's Wall Street Journal (see p. A2 of the print edition, unfortunately, I have not been able to find the link). He wrote about China, and got the …

October 28, 2005

United States
Yet more on Bernanke and the savings glut

Brad DeLong seems to have dug up what Dr. Bernanke thought about fiscal deficits before he discovered the global savings glut ...  namely, structural fiscal deficits tend to raise real interest rates…

December 4, 2005

Financial Markets
The yen, for a change

The yen's trajectory at the end of 2005 seems a bit like the dollar's trajectory at the end of 2004.   With the yen at 120, companies like Toyota presumably have little incentive to ramp up their US …