126 Results for:

March 22, 2011

United States
Disaster Relief in a Dangerous World

The U.S. Navy’s maritime strategy, in which humanitarian missions play a prominent role, is based on a debatable assumption that credible enemies have largely disappeared and that competition of the …

April 8, 2011

Democracy Promotion and the Obama Doctrine

President Obama is right to balance U.S. national interests with democracy promotion in dealing with the Middle East, intervening in select cases and standing behind democracy advocates in others, sa…

April 27, 2011

United States
New Spotlight on Guantanamo’s Flaws

Classified military documents leaked by Wikileaks suggest the Obama administration’s changes to Guantanamo policy can’t improve a system that was flawed from the beginning, says international law e…

May 16, 2011

Europe and Eurasia
IMF’s Crisis-Management Challenge

The arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on charges of sexual assault could hamper the fund’s short-term ability to help manage the eurozone crisis but is not likely to harm the IMF over the lo…

July 21, 2011

The Pentagon’s Cyberstrategy

The Pentagon’s new strategy for operating in cyberspace breaks little ground and offers few specifics, says CFR’s Adam Segal. While the last six months have been busy for U.S. cybersecurity policy, h…