258 Results for:

June 11, 2007

Monetary Policy
“Asia’s importance in the bond market cannot be overstated”

That quote doesn't come from me -- but from someone with a bit more authority: Jim Caron, co-head of global interest rate strategy at Morgan Stanley (quoted by Michael MacKenzie in Monday's Financial…


July 24, 2008

Financial Markets
Too big to fail? Or too large to save? Thinking about the US one year into the subprime crisis

Emerging market financial crises in the 1990s followed a fairly consistent pattern. The country lost access to external financing. The sector of the economy that had a large need for financing – fi…

January 10, 2005

United States
Apparently, like budget deficits, trade deficits do not matter anymore

Kevin Drum brought the latest National Review "trade deficits do not matter" article to my attention today. I learned a few things, namely that Steven Roach is part of a media misinformation campaig…

January 30, 2007

Financial Markets
Hey big spender (or why conservation is perhaps a bit more than just a personal virtue) ….

In the past, I have noted that oil exporters saved rather than spent the windfall from the surge in oil prices.    The IMF calculated that the average oil producer in the Middle East “spent” 30% and …


May 3, 2013

United States
Syrian Lethal Aid, Drones Over Yemen, and Isolationism

Nussaibah Younis, “Why Maliki Must Go,” New York Times, May 2, 2013. Given the two-year-old Syrian civil war escalating next door, a sectarian crisis and political collapse in Iraq would be a disast…
