585 Results for:

October 13, 2010

Palestinian Territories
The Mideast Moratorium Mess

The end of Israel’s ban on settlement building creates political problems for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and a dilemma the Obama administration in part brought on itself, says Mideast expe…

October 28, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Assessing Political Transitions in the Mideast

Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya have embarked on widely different political transitions. But in each case, economic tools are the best way for the United States to support their democratic development, say…

June 3, 1999

United States
Elise Lewis, Council Membership and Fellowship Affairs Executive, Named New Vice President

June 3,1999, New York City - Elise Carlson Lewis has been promoted to Vice President for Membership and Fellowship Affairs, Leslie H. Gelb, President of the Council on Foreign Relations announced tod…

November 17, 2010

A Tenuous Deal in Iraq

Despite a walkout by political leader Ayad Allawi, the Iraq power-sharing deal can hold if Prime Minister Maliki keeps his word and if the formation of a new government stir up frictions among rival …

June 23, 2015

Washington’s Egypt Dilemma

Two years since the Egyptian military deposed President Mohammed Morsi, human rights abuses are being committed at an unprecedented level, but the United States remains deeply invested in maintaining…