10 Results for:

July 31, 2024

Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate

Venezuela’s ongoing descent into economic and political chaos is a cautionary tale of the dangerous influence that resource wealth can have on developing countries.

Venezuelans protest against the results of the country’s July 2024 presidential election, in Caracas.

March 10, 2010

IRAQ: Coalition Provisional Authority: The Iraqi Ministries

This publication is now archived. Senior advisers from the U.S.-led coalition will head Iraqi ministries until an interim government is put into place. Three Iraqi ministries have not been re-establi…

May 23, 2011

United States
Confronting the Cyber Threat

Foreign governments, non-state actors, and criminal networks are targeting the digital networks of the United States with increasing frequency and sophistication. U.S. cybersecurity has made progress…

September 28, 2007

The Iraq Data Debate: Civilian Casualties from 2006 to 2007

Gen. David Petraeus’ assertions about falling casualties in Iraq are supported by a range of objective sources. But his testimony to Congress does not establish whether the decline is attributable to…

November 11, 2008

Elections and Voting
Foreign Policy Brain Trusts: Obama’s Advisers

Sen. Barack Obama’s foreign policy team includes former State Department veterans and newcomers from academia who seek to reinvigorate U.S. diplomacy.