660 Results for:

January 31, 2011

Food and Drug Safety: The Scale of the Challenge

Experts discuss the implications of importing and exporting food, drugs, and other consumer products in a globalized economym, as well as how to manage the quality of these products. This session w…


April 4, 2006

Defense and Security
A Conversation with Anthony Zinni

5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Reception6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Meeting


December 31, 1969

United States
American Decline or Economic Renewal?

Experts discuss CFR's Renewing America initiative issues: the U.S. fiscal cliff, government regulations, the state of U.S. infrastructure, and the economic consequences of political polarization.


June 19, 2008

Diplomacy and International Institutions
A Conversation with Condoleezza Rice

Watch U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reflect on the lessons of the past eight years and answer questions about the future of U.S. foreign policy at the CFR International Affairs Fellows For…


October 6, 2006

Iraq’s Impact on the Future of U.S. Foreign and Defense Policy: Session 2: The United States, Europe, and Asia

Watch experts discuss the impact of the Iraq war on U.S. alliances with Europe and Asia.
