318 Results for:

March 4, 2005

Emerging Markets
A few lessons for Mary Anastasia O Grady

I do not expect to consistently agree with the oped page of the Wall Street Journal. But I do not think it is too much to ask that the columnists on oped page of the Journal try to square their argu…

April 24, 2005

United States
US policy (once again) fails the Chinese test

Lots of folks in Washington don’t think the Bush Administration and the Congress are serious about cutting the fiscal deficit, and reducing the strain the federal government places on anemic US savin…

September 12, 2005

Show me the money (really, show me China’s reserves)

China's Alan Greenspan (Zhou Xiaochuan) has indicated China won't roil financial markets with "active composition adjustments of the foreign reserves."  fine.   But any central bank adding about $20 …

September 21, 2006

Why China’s $1 trillion in reserves are unlikely to be of much use in a banking crisis

It is rather hard to read Andrew Browne’s report of the building boom in Zhengzhou in last week’s Wall Street Journal --- or for that matter many other accounts of China’s current investment boom – a…

November 8, 2006

Absence of global rebalancing watch - first q4 data point from China edition

I spent last night following the outcome of the US election.   It looks like a majority of US electorate tired of Bush Administrations policies (and Rummy) before the rest of the world tired of finan…
