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October 29, 2004

Financial Markets
David Wessel visited the Harvard economics department

Or at least talked to Summers and Rogoff, before writing his Thursday Wall Street Journal column. It is worth reading if you have access to the Journal. I agree with his bottom line: getting out of…

December 8, 2004

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
The central bank bid

It seems like America’s biggest creditors stepped up to the plate today. China’s rapidly growing reserves have to go somewhere ... From Bloomberg:"So-called indirect bidders, which include the forei…

November 21, 2005

Keith Bradsher demolishes the myth that China is a great market for American goods

The money quote in Bradsher's article in last Friday's New York Times comes from Matthew Crabbe: "The only US-produced items that I can think exist in large quantities in China are dollars bills." …

April 27, 2006

Unpleasant balance of payments math — why the interest rate matters for dark matter

Bill Cline of the IIE rightly took Nouriel and me to task (politely) for assuming that the average return on US FDI abroad would equal the average return on foreign FDI in the US in our 2004 paper on…

chart 1

January 22, 2007

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Here is a scale variable for you …. Social Security’s assets increased more than the combined assets of Saudi Arabia and Russia in 2006

In 2006, the increase in the assets of the Social Security system ($185b) will almost certainly exceed the combined increase in the assets of the Russian Central Bank ($107.5b) and the Saudi Arabian …