758 Results for:

April 3, 2006

Grassley-Baucus-Adams? And (another) long rant about the Economist …

The Treasury doesn't want to declare China to be guilty of manipulation.   Picking a fight with one of your biggest creditors isn't smart.  Right now, no one is buying more US debt (China buys a lot …

Grassley-Baucus-Adams?  And (another) long rant about the Economist …

January 9, 2018

Vietnam War
In New Book, Max Boot Argues One CIA Operative Could Have Changed the Course of the Vietnam War

January 9, 2018—The Vietnam War “might have taken a very different course—one that was less costly and potentially more successful—if the counsel of this CIA operative and Air Force officer had b…

September 28, 2006

Financial Markets
Exit Schumer-Graham; Enter Schumer-Graham-Baucus-Grassley ….

And exit an undervalued yuan; enter an undervalued yuan and a undervalued yen. Schumer and Graham are dropping their bill – apparently for good.   It was pretty clear that they were unwilling to …

October 5, 2002

United States
Max Boot Joins the Council as Senior Fellow in National Security Studies

Contact: Lisa Shields, Director of Communications, 212-434-9888 New York, October 4, 2002 — Max Boot, former Wall Street Journal editorial features editor, has joined the Council on Foreign Re…

September 26, 2006

War Made New: America’s Military Lead Can be Lost, Warns Max Boot in New Book

“America’s early lead in the Information Revolution can easily be lost—it may be lost already—if it does not stay at the forefront of military developments,” warns Senior Fellow for National Security…

May 28, 2024

Climate Change
Daughters and Sons Guest Event: From Image to Action—Raising Climate Awareness

Using visual mediums and narratives, an artist and a documentary producer discuss the urgent challenges of climate change and what it will take to solve the climate crisis through science, the power …

Play Fishermen row a boat in the algae filled Chaohu Lake in Hefei, Anhui province in China.