112 Results for:

April 20, 2021

COVID-19 and the Threat to Press Freedom in Central and Eastern Europe

Restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have increased threats to press freedom in the region, raising questions over how to respond.   

December 19, 2022

Immigration and Migration
Climate Change Is Fueling Migration. Do Climate Migrants Have Legal Protections?

As climate change makes some parts of the earth uninhabitable, a climate migration crisis looms that international law is not prepared to address.

April 19, 2021

Lava Jato: See How Far Brazil’s Corruption Probe Reached

Corruption investigations that started in Brazil ultimately triggered political upheaval across the continent. But the Brazilian taskforce’s methods have been questioned, including over alleged bias…

April 7, 2021

Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines
Vaccine Passports: What to Know

Some governments and businesses are starting to use digital and paper passes that certify a person has been immunized against COVID-19, spurring debate over the ethics of vaccine passports.

April 26, 2021

Courts and Tribunals
Leaders Facing Justice

Since 1945, many regime leaders and key figures have been brought before domestic and international courts to answer to charges including genocide and crimes against humanity, amid a larger struggle …